Training, Workshops, and Education

This program provides opportunities and benefits to our participants in their professional and personal lives. Some of our workshops deal with the issue of obtaining a job, others help the participant to navigate client relationships. We offer mother entrepreneurs the tools and skills necessary to achieve their goals and support their families. And we work with the participant to develop the emotional intelligence and to build the self-esteem necessary to succeed in school, work, and life.

Back to Work Workshop

Objective: Answer the question: “Who am I with a client?”. Start with self-recognition to understand our client and especially what is needed from us.
The aim of the workshop is to develop tools that encourage employees to move out of their comfort zone and help them interact in an effective way with their clients. The participant will learn how asking the right questions can help them deliver premium customer service while obtaining loyalty.
The workshop will last 4 hours with a 15 min. coffee break.

Getting a Job! Workshop

Our participants will learn to think from the employer’s point of view in order to respond in a way that the employer will find most convincing, assisting the job-seeker to appeal to the potential employer.
The key idea is that getting a job is about convincing someone that you have something valuable to offer.
→ First: Think about what would like.
→ Second: Ask yourself, “What are my skills?”
→ Third: Reflect, “Is this income worth the effort the job will demand?”
The workshop will last 3 hours with a 15 min. coffee break.

Worker's Occupations and Entrepreneurs Services

Mother Entrepreneurs Workshop

We offer low or no-cost webinars, consulting, and online, interactive workshops to help mother entrepreneurs gain new business knowledge and skills.
In today’s world, more mothers are starting and growing businesses. We love to support moms on their journey to becoming entrepreneurs.
→ We help with business registration (sunbiz)
→ We create branding for businesses (logo, website, etc.)
→ We offer strategic guidance to mother entrepreneurs in the process of beginning and growing a business

Emotional intelligence and its personal and professional benefits

We help professionals at all levels to adapt to changing conditions, manage teams, evolve, and in the case of leaders, we offer guidance in optimizing their impact and influence. Everyone can develop and improve their well-being, because well-being is a skill, and all skills are trainable.

This highly interactive and experiential program includes the following core components:
→ An overview of the neuroscience of emotion, perception, and behavioral change
→ Attention training to enable greater emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-mastery, motivation, and connection with self and others
→ Principles and practices for developing healthy mental habits that accelerate wellbeing, including effective listening, generosity, empathy, communication, and social skills
→ Mindfulness and reflection practices that support happiness, a thriving sense of self, and overall well-being
→ Exercises including attention training practice, dyad conversations, writing, walking, and group conversations

Family Engagement/Strategies and Tools.

Workshop for parents: The objective of this workshop is to give parents strategies and tools that allow them to assume the commitment and responsibility of raising children, as well as to build a relationship of respect and trust with them.
The parents should know that the objective of this training is the reinforcement of personal development during the period of physical and emotional changes in a girl’s life known as pre-adolescence. This time can present new challenges for the self-esteem of young women. Self-esteem can influence life in multiple ways, from academic and professional success to relationships, and mental health.

Herramientas para preparar a nuestros hijos a los nuevos Retos

Reinventándonos para educar a nuestros hijos, como mujeres desempeñamos muchos roles diariamente, sin duda el de ser madres es uno de los más importantes y a la vez nos reta constantemente.

→  Reforzar conductas que te funcionan
→  Aprender nuevas herramientas para llevar la relación con tu hijos a un siguiente nivel.
→  Preparar a los hijos para tiempos de cambio y puedan enfrentar la edad adulta con nuevos retos.

Educando con responsabilidad y compromiso

Responder a la pregunta: “Quien ESTOY SIENDO yo como padre/madre?”. Trabajar el autoconocimiento para poder entender a nuestros hijos y sobretodo saber lo que necesitan de nosotros. Presentar herramientas que nos permitían asumir la responsabilidad plena en el resultado de la crianza de nuestros hijos y entender lo que verdaderamente es el compromiso.
Comprender que es lo que necesitamos trabajar en nosotros mismos para crear una relación de respeto, confianza y entendimiento con nuestros hijos.

→  Abriendo posibilidades frente a lo que hasta hoy pensamos que no se puede cambiar
→  Conozcamos los bloqueadores de las relaciones
→  ¿Padre victima o responsable?. ¿Quien estoy siendo yo?
→  ¿Qué es el compromiso y qué nos demanda en el día a día?
→  Comunicación efectiva, generador de lazos de confianza.

Desarrollando el Autoestima
en Nuestros Hijos

→  Obtener herramientas que nos permitan desenvolvernos como padres formadores del autoestima de nuestros hijos.
→  Identificar que puede estar representando un problema en la forma como interpreto el autoestima en general.
→  Asumir nuestro rol como modelos del autoestima en nuestros hijos.

El taller tendrá una duración de 3 horas con un descanso de 15 minutos.

→  Enemigos del autoestima
→  Factores que se interponen en el autoestima de nuestros hijos.
→  Como construir el autoestima
→  Exigencia vs Excelencia
→  Socializar sanamente vs presión de grupo


Young Adults New Generation!

These workshops and training provide opportunities and benefits to our participants in their professional and personal lives. All of them need help with their self-esteem and self-confidence. The most important character trait in life is confidence in one’s value as a human. Possessing little self-regard can lead people to become depressed, fall short of their potential, or tolerate abusive situations and relationships. Too much self-love, on the other hand, results in an off-putting sense of entitlement and an inability to learn from failures.

Changing the way girls and teens think about themselves and the world

This workshop will give young girls and teens the strategies, tools, role models, and mentors to maneuver their way through the minefield of a new era of cultural diversity. They will emerge intact, strong, confident, and fully equipped to create a life that they want – not the one the media tells them they should want.
→ 3 hours, they will take a break, and share with other girls.
→ Flexible times
→ Small groups.

“Cambiando la manera en que las niñas y jovencitas de esta generación piensan de ellas mismas y el mundo”

Este taller les dará estrategias y herramientas para proporcionarles a nuestras niñas modelos de conducta y mentores que puedan mostrarles cómo maniobrar en el campo minado de la nueva era y diversidad cultural y cómo emerger intactos, fuertes, seguros y totalmente equipados para crear una vida que quieren, no lo que los medios les dicen que deberían querer o hacer.

Young Adults / Workshop

The objective of these workshops and training is to help support the new generation. Our interactive program for the participants is for recent graduates or people who are working. Cultivating young people’s leadership skills through personal abilities-based asset and relationship development. Our participants will use their energy and imagination to solve problems and learn to create positive change in their school, work, and community. All of these elements and benefits will help you not only understand yourself more, but to build a better résumé, and to grow personally as well as professionally.

Training in:

→  Preparing for the future, learning how you can set your goals. Setting goals gives your life direction and boosts your motivation and self-confidence. Learn how to set SMART goals and achieve your dreams.
→  Establishing purpose in your life. Why is it important to find purpose in life?
→  Orientation on how to get a job. You need to know about new job orientations for the new generation, what it is, and how to review the things you will need to do to prepare for your new job
→  Opportunity to learn and know the media in Tampa. (TV /RADIO). What drives the TV and RADIO Business, how advertising and the changes in technology have influenced the industry, and where the new generations fit within these mediums.
→  Education Session “Choosing Your Major” Living to your fullest potential. Career Exploration Inventory. The contestants will also learn information about occupations, leisure activities, and educational programs that match their interests.
→  How to dress properly for interviews, or for any kind of event. Personalizing dress for each participant’s best features 

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