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The Summer Program is open for girls 8-16 years old

The Summer Program teaches skills that school and home cannot always accomplish. The goal of our Summer Program is to work with our attendees on personal development, to foster habits of reading with a purpose, and to supplement their characters in other areas of vital importance in their growth. In contrast with other programs that aim to improve the livelihood of community youth, our program specifically identifies the significance of cultural ethnicity to the development of character and sense of self. Language and cultural traditions form part of the web that makes a person who she or he is, and it is important to recognize, emphasize, and understand that fact.

Our Program

  • Personal development/Self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Development your skills
  • Reading with a purpose
  • Fitness/nutrition and healthy habit education
  • Arts (dance & performing)
  • Communication techniques
  • Character development /financial advice
  • Proper etiquette and modeling training
  • Basic photography training
  • Plan your career success on time!
  • Community and relationship building
  • Orientation for bullying prevention and domestic violence.
  • Our project is designed to address problems emerging in these days, such as the increasing popularity of social networking sites.

(This program has the right reserved for Miss Latina Tampa Corp)


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